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Guatemala, the Land of Eternal Spring, a place I walked into, excited because it was my first country, but not really expecting it to be anything more than a country where I learned to do ministry on the race. But oh how wrong I was. This country has left an impact on my heart, mind, and soul. It reminds me of that one Winne the Pooh quite, “Oh how lucky I am, to have something so special that makes saying goodbye so hard”, and it’s so true. The friends I have made here, and the family I have found will forever be on my heart, and saying goodbye to them is so hard, but I know that God wants me to continue to walk out this journey before I return. So let’s recap over the last two months, and what all I learned.


Working with Reindom has continued the teaching that God started in me at Ms. Abby’s, to be flexible and willing to do whatever is asked of me without complaining. Because here at Reindom we do everything under the sun. I have done manual labor, but also taught kids English, and made food. I have cleaned and painted. I have worked with Medical Missions, and I have served alongside some of the most amazing people I have ever met. They have beautiful hearts of worship, and I love getting to experience life with them.


I have learned how to connect with people over a language barrier. Whether that’s a smile and saying the basic Guatemalan greeting, or taking the time to slow down and be intentional about focusing on the Google Translate conversation I am having. People love to be seen, known, and loved, and that’s one thing I have loved getting to spread God’s love to the nations through, is taking the time to see, know, and love those I meet.


I have started to learn how to love as deeply as God loves. I see people hurting, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, and I long to help them however I can. I see the people whom I’ve been able to connect with and my heart fills with love for them. I play, dance, or try to have conversations with the kids, and I fall deeper in love with this country. I have learned that the heart is able to expand over and over again, and is never really full, there’s always more people I can love.


Saying goodbye is something I’m not super excited for, but that’s just because I have loved them so deeply. I’m looking forward to being able to continue serving the Lord in new ways, and so grateful for the ability to serve. I have been so blessed here in Guatemala, and I have been able to grow in my faith so much. Reindom, and it’s people, along with those of Guatemala, will always have a special place in my heart.

3 responses to “As Time Comes to a Close”

  1. It’s always amazing how God goes before us to prepare the way.I’m truly thankful that God has open this door for you. It’s also amazing how we discover that people around the world all have something in common – love.
    I love you, Mimi

  2. So beautiful! You have learned the Grinch’s story 🙂 The ability to love continues to grow our hearts, minds and souls. I’m so joyful! I love seeing how you have matured your mind and faith. I am so proud there are no words for it! WOW! Just WOW! To see how God is fullfilling the prayer I’ve had for you for many years, to grow you in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. You are living proof that God answers prayers! Love you Babe!

  3. A lovely testimony of God’s grace. He knows the path we take and prepares us for it. So glad you are having this amazing trip. Love, Granny & Grandad and Merry Christmas!