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So I recently had a really large yard sale as a fundraiser, and boy was it hectic. We spent quite a bit of time advertising the sale and asking for donations, which we received in abundance. The church’s fellowship hall, where we were hosting the event at, was packed. There was barely room to step.

Friday evening before the yard sale, we had the help of one couple from the church and they were God sends. They helped us get a good bit of organizing done, and allowed us to be ready for the next day. They even came back on Saturday to help us pack everything up!

The community we live in really turned up for the sale and we sold a good bit of stuff, probably about half of all the items we were given. The yard sale turned a profit of about 9% of all the money I need to raise. I am so grateful for all the help, donations, and people who turned up, and of course to God for showing up in ways I never would have imagined.

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