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Training camp, wow, what an adventure it has been in the two short weeks I’ve been here, and I can hardly believe I still have one more week here before leaving for domestic ministry. This past week has been crazy, from getting baptized to being cussed out by a man with a lot of bitterness in his heart towards Jesus, this week has had lots of highs and lows.

I think my favorite part of the week was getting baptized and watching my squadmates get baptized as well. As I waited in line, and honestly for a little while before, I was just filled with so much anxiety, that I was shaking, especially my hands. As I stepped into the water, I tried so hard to be still, to be calm, but my mind was still running a hundred miles and hour. The craziest part though, is that as soon as I came
out of the water I felt at peace, and I felt so much joy. It was so amazing.

My most interesting experience this week was evangelizing in the Gainesville square this past Friday. We were split into teams, and then further split into groups of 2-3. I was paired with the amazing Maggie-Claire, who did an amazing job, and we talked to a good number of people. We met a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Jewish woman, some Christians who refused prayer, a couple of pretty cool Christians who were happy to talk to us, and some women who believed more in the universe than Jesus.

Some other highs from the week were Squad Wars, which was a lot of fun, and we got to hang out and play games. We got to practice kid’s ministry scenarios, and that was a lot of fun. We got to venture into civilization and by snacks and such for the first time since arriving at camp, and we overall had a pretty nice week.

2 responses to “Home Is Where The Heart Is”

  1. It sounds like an exciting week full of new adventures and experiences. I’m really glad that being baptized filled you with joy and peace. You need that as you head out to the mission field. There are a lot of people filled with bitterness and hate. They need that seed of God’s love planted in their lives even when hateful words come from their mouth. We are called to plant the seeds that God will make grow.
    I’m really happy that you are having fun and making new friends. I hope you got some journals when you went shopping.
    I love you, Mimi

  2. Wonderful to read about your week. Glad the baptism was special for you. Your experiences in town sound stretching which is always good. Love you. Granny

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