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South Africa has been so sweet. I have learned a lot about relying on the Lord and his peace and strength. As well as a lot about unity. I have watched my team grow closer together, and intentionally walk towards growing closer. I have learned how to lead my team through team time, and how to support them as best as I can. I have washed many a dish, and cleaned many a kitchen. I have worked with children, and sorted many clothes. I have read books, and learned much about the Lord. I have heard of 44 salvations, having been a part of some of them. I have seen healing.


I’ve learned peace in God’s plan. I know that my future is in his hands, and he has it under control. It’s so chill! Like I have no reason to worry because God has a handle on all things to come. Plus, we’re already conquerors. We’ve already won the war, so why shouldn’t I act like it? We won the war when Jesus died on the cross. So, while yes, we still fight battles, because the enemy is the prince of this world, we are forever conquerors. We have won the war. That means God’s got this whole thing under control, and if we trust in his plan, he’s got us covered.


For ministry, we’ve really learned how to be flexible. We never know what we’re doing till we show up. We’ve visited schools, and seen 40 students saved in them. We’ve visited Nursing Homes, and seen healings. We’ve done house visits, and seen 2 people saved from those. We’ve worked with children’s homes, and seen the joy of the Lord manifest in the world. We also have done a lot of organizing and cleaning at two of the Children’s homes. We’ve ridden in many Ubers, and seen one man saved while in one. We’ve done lots of Evangelism, and ministering to each other’s hearts. We have also have seen a family member of one of our squadmates saved.


Unity has been a common theme that has popped up over and over again here in South Africa. Whether it’s in the books we’re reading, or the goals we set for ourselves, it’s come up time and again. Unity is something to work towards. It’s always something you can walk deeper into, and it’s always something that lots of fruit can come from. A community is something you can always rely on, they help you see sides of yourself you didn’t realize we there. Whether that’s good or bad, they can see it more than you can sometimes. They are people you can go to for help when you don’t know what to do. They push you to be closer to God. I love how much my team and I have been able to walk towards unity, together.


South Africa, the rainbow country. You have been beautiful, and I’m so thankful for all you have brought me. I have seen both many trails, and many joys. I have loved being able to experience this country, as well as to be able to learn and grow in my faith. I will remember you always.

2 responses to “The Rainbow Country”

  1. You are right. Unity is important. It’s important in the secular world, but in God’s family, it is even more amazing. Unity in Christ can support you, a friend and even an unbeliever. In a world that chooses to divide over the least little thing, being a unified family will draw others towards Christ.

  2. I love seeing your growth in Christ and experiences through your eyes. What an important life lesson to learn to be unified in Christ.

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